
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
#44 - Child's Play
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
A terrifying slasher movie about a haunted doll from 1988! It's the original Chucky movie, Child's Play. Toll and Alex found it very scary as kids, but does it hold up? How many of these goddamn movies did they make anyway? Is this the best one? Remember the show Empty Nest? What about Highway to Heaven? Leave It To Beaver? Alex's tells the tale of his run in with a real haunted doll at Zak Bagans Haunted Mansion, Toll loves Spirograph, John Grisham movies were great...a lot of territory is covered in this one! Ride the podcast wave!

Thursday Sep 13, 2018
#43 - Commando
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
A Classic action movie from Arnold! 1985's Commando was a movie Toll and Alex loved as kids, but is that still true today? There's lots of impressions in this episode! How many Twitter followers does Bill Duke have? Remember making models as a kid? Danny Trejo sure is in a lot of movies, but not this one. Nick Tortelli from Cheers is the bad guy? How many people does Arnold kill? Does it matter? Who let Vernon Wells play a tough guy? Listen to find out!

Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
#42 - Speed
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
We're back with another Keanu 90's classic! This movie was a BIG time blockbuster about a bus that can't slow down. Toll and Alex loved it as kids, but does it hold up?? Alex peruses Toll's DVD collection, they talk about Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer, Mel Gibson, the "lost" Anchorman movie, local bowling shows, and much, much more. Pop quiz, hot shot!! Locate your nearest access panel and enjoy this episode!

Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
#41 - Mannequin
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Hello, Chicharrons! At long last, Toll and Alex take on the 1987 classic Mannequin! We have lots of questions, but do they have answers? They also cover a lot fo important topics such as Dr. Pimple Popper, Lifetime Christmas movies, the rise and fall of Kirby Puckett, Toll's Isuzu Trooper that was formerly owned by Karlos Kirby, Salvation Army clothes shopping, and so much more. Did they love this movie? Does it hold up? Does Joe Piscapo love Toll? What about Lyle Lovett? This is a VERY special episode!

Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
#40 - Iron Eagle
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Another jets and fighter pilots movie from 1986! Is Iron Eagle a rip-off of Top Gun? NO! This movie came out a full 4 months BEFORE Top Gun! Who's ripping off who? Toll and Alex loved this one as kids, but does it hold up? A bunch of kids stealing military intel, hardware, and weapons of war? Why not! Toll and Alex cover many topics including the 90's tv show Becker, movie soundtracks, and so much more. What happened to Jason Gedrick? How did they make 3 more of these movies? Is this a podcraft, or podcrap? Listen and find out, chicharrones!

Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
#39 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Toll and Alex revisit a real childhood favorite this week! It was considered to be the worst Indiana Jones movie until Crystal Skulls came out, but is it bad? Is it that bad? Or is it great? The guys do LOTS of voices and impressions, and they also push hard for a sponsorship from Video Warehouse. They also dicsuss Harrison Ford's punching technique, the movie Flash Gordon, Robert DeNiro in Cape Fear, and so much more! But is their childhood ruined? Check it out! Kali mah! KALI MAH!!

Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
#38 - Strange Brew
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Hey, remember Canadian characters Bob and Doug McKenzie? From SCTV? Well, if you're younger than 35, probably not. But Toll and Alex loved them and this movie as kids. Two losers who exclusively drink beer and eat donuts? What's not to love? Toll and Alex love "2 Dumb Guys" movies, and this one is a classic, but does it hold up? How many levels of stupid is this movie (several)? Check it out, eh! Don't be a hoser! Take off!!

Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
#37 - Legend
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
In 1985, Ridley Scott made a really ambitious fantasy movie for some reason. This is an adult movie with a childrens story staring Tom Cruise, so you know its...uhhh....good? Well, Toll and Alex discuss that, As well as the movie Glitter by Mariah Carey, and many other topics. They also watched two very different versions of the movie, but does it even matter? Is their childhood ruined? Is Tim Curry the greatest devil ever? Are Tom Cruise's teeth even more distracting this time? Listen and find out!

Tuesday May 29, 2018
#36 - No Movie!
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
It was Memorial Day, and Toll and Alex we're on vacation, so they also took a vacation from watching a movie! So what do they talk about? Mostly movies. Well, partially movies. But also Cher, Anthony Michael Hall, a wide ranging discussion on nuts. Lots of singing, impressions...you know, all the good stuff from the regular podcasts! Just no movie getting in the way of what they REALLY have to say. This very special podcast is all frosting and no cake. Enjoy!

Tuesday May 15, 2018
#35 - Face/Off
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Tuesday May 15, 2018
A summer blockbuster starring John Travolta and Nicholas Cage from the 90's! It can't be bad, right? John Woo directed it, so there are lots of gunfights and doves, but does it hold up? Things go off the rails on this podcast early and often. Yes, Toll and Alex talk about the ridiculous concepts in this movie, but they also digress into several other subjects! Are their childhoods ruined? Listen and find out!

Wednesday May 02, 2018
#34 - Lets Ruin a Film: Avengers Infinity War
Wednesday May 02, 2018
Wednesday May 02, 2018
What's this? A new release being ruined?!? Yes! We wanted to talk about Infinity Wars, so we recorded it. Does it live up to the hype? Who lives and dies? Whats's the deal with Thanos? Who does Peter Dinklage play? Are there more space bugs for the heroes to kill? Do we get more Wakonda? Listen and find out! Oh and also : THIS IS SPOLIER HEAVY SO DO NOT LISTEN IF YOU DONT WANT THE MOVIE SPOILED! EXCELSIOR!

Tuesday May 01, 2018
#33 - Clash of the Titans
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Tuesday May 01, 2018
It's an oldie, but is it a goodie? 1981's epic Greek mythology blockbuster Clash of the Titans was a favorite of Toll and Alex when they were kids, but does it hold up? This movie is filled with VERY special effects - Pegasus! The Kraken! Medusa! An R2-D2 rip off on an owl! Toll gets the hiccups and gets upset, Alex goes hard with the Podcast Juice, and the villain of the movie looks like Count Chocula was becoming a werewolf in the 70's. GET INTO IT!!!

Monday Apr 23, 2018
#32 - Batman - LIVE!
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
A special live episode from Floodwater Comedy Festival! We also have two amazing guests - Mike Lucas and Sam Tallent! They helped us discuss Tim Burton's Batman, the original superhero movie. We all loved this one growing up, but does it hold up? The solid rubber Batsuit? It's definitely pre-CGI, so there's lots of models and makeup. Jack Nicholson as the Joker makes a meal of every scene, and don't forget about Arli$$ and all the questionable Prince music!

Tuesday Apr 17, 2018
#31 - Three Men and a Baby
Tuesday Apr 17, 2018
Tuesday Apr 17, 2018
Do you find three grown men trying to take care of a baby to be hilarious? Well, everyone in the 80's certainly did. This was the number 1 movie for all of 1987(!?!?) and a massive hit. But does it hold up? Do you like the sound of a crying baby? Where is Ted Danson for over an hour of this movie? Would three successful millionaires REALLY choose to be roommates? Remember answering machines with cassette tapes? What we DO know is that boys will be boys (bad boys, bad boys). Enjoy!

Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
#30 - Over The Top
Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
In 1987, Sylvester Stallone could do whatever he wanted, so uhhhh...he made an arm wrestling/truck driving movie. Why not?? Toll and Alex loved it as kids, but does it hold up? Is there really an underground trucker arm wrestling circuit? Is the main character's name Lincoln Hawk or Lincoln Hawks? Is Robert Loggia really the villain here? How does one go about installing a weight lifting machine inside of a semi truck? So many questions! This podcast wont meet you halfway...you have to take it over the top!!!

Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
#29 - Weekend at Bernie's
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Everyone has seen or heard of this classic movie from 1989 about two idiots desecrating a corpse. the 80's were weird! But does it hold up? Toll and Alex go in depth on the movie, decide to start a new band, and do lots of unnecessary impressions. Can a dead body be worked like a puppet? When does rigor mortis set in? What ever happened to Jonathan Silverman? Listen and find out!

Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
#28 - Point Break
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Remember the surfing/extreme sports/bank heist/love story that is Point Blank? We loved it as kids, but does it hold up? Keanu Reeves can barely act, and Patrick Swayze is a national treasure, but don't forget - this also stars pre-brain injury Gary Busey! Toll and Alex break this movie down, and also spend a lot of time covering other topics like the worst movie theaters in town. Are their childhoods ruined? Listen and find out!

Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
#27 - Crocodile Dundee
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Everyone got all hyped up for a new Crocodile Dundee movie starring Danny McBride and Thor, but it turns out it isn't happening. But what about the original? Toll and Alex loved it as kids, but does it hold up? This was the #2 movie at the box office in 1986, so it must be great, right? Right? Crikey!! Crocs! Kangaroos! A weird love triangle! Should this movie get another sequel, or does it ruin our childhood? Listen and find out, mate!!

Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
#26 - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Party on, dudes!! Excellent! Another time traveling movie from the 80's! Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure is considered a classic, but should it be? Toll and Alex go back and forth about it, and also take a deep dive into 80's tv soundtracks, among other things. Wyld Stallyns! Bad acting! George Carlin! Plot holes like you wouldn't believe! This podcast tackles it all and is most triumphant! Catch ya later, dudes!

Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
#25 - 2017: The Year In Ruining Review
Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
We've been doing this podcast for a year! We actually stuck to something! Hooray for us, and hooray for you for listening! Before we dive into another questionable movie from our past, we take this episode to reflect on all the movies we watched and discussed for your enjoment over the past year. What were our favorites? What movies really ruined our childhood? Listen now! Nobody does it better!